European Projects


    The acceptance of Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) solutions by citizens and future users is an element of strong interest for all stakeholders involved in the autonomous and connected vehicle sector as well as other (non-vehicle) connected services.

    SINFONICA is developing efficient and innovative strategies to engage citizens, assess the current situation on CCAM deployments, collect data from 4 different context and user groups (the Groups of Interest), elaborate these data using data and people analytics with the help of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) to develop knowledge maps and share all the knowledge defined, created, and organized within the Project, through innovative tools and useful guidelines and recommendations towards capacity building for decision makers. All the above has the overall objective of fostering inclusive CCAM deployments, based on user needs.

    The Project follows an overall bottom-up approach to capture the mobility needs of European citizens, with special attention to the needs of vulnerable users and under-researched groups. Different segments of society will be represented and directly engaged in a participative process. This will contribute to the development of a wide inventory of knowledge organized in the form of knowledge maps.

    Finally, SINFONICA will create an innovative tool – the Knowledge Map Explorer – able to exploit the knowledge by providing practical guidelines and long-term recommendations to ensure that CCAM solutions meet social inclusion criteria.

    SINFONICA Project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program (Grant Agreement n° 101064988). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting Authority can be held responsible for them. The SINFONICA Consortium Members shall have no liability for damages of any kind that may result from the use of these materials.

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