European Projects


    Enhancing Integration and Interoperability of CCAM eco-system
    IN2CCAM advances and accelerates Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) technologies and services for seamless traffic management across Europe. This project aims to make roads safer, more sustainable, and more inclusive.

    Use Case:

    Remote monitoring and supervision of AVs fleet for safe and efficient operations and real-time communication between vehicles and infrastructure

    The Trikala LL will showcase the operation of an automated shuttles fleet of Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) service to connect a suburban area with the city centre, facilitating the mobility of workers who live in this peripheral area and other vulnerable groups.


    • Encourage more sustainable urban mobility, contributing to climate neutrality through the modal split in mobility.
    • Integrate CCAM services into the Public Transport and traffic management system, seeking user acceptance and advocating for new business models.
    • Improve traffic efficiency and, consequently, user safety through an intelligent eco-system underpinned by CCAM.


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