European Projects

Digital Cities


    About the project

    Digital Cities focuses on innovative and localised solutions to influence the use of ICT in the daily lives of people across Europe. Focusing on local needs, the project brings together expertise from the digital and local authority sectors in Manchester, Amsterdam, Greece, Czech Republic and Romania.
    Running until December 2011, the project aims to promote the concept of a ‘Digital City’ by taking best practice examples from across Europe and applying them in the local context.

    The Digital Cities Model, will bring together the experiences, knowledge and know-how from these partners, to provide other European cities with real-life examples of how ICT can be successfully integrated as part of a city’s infrastructure.


    The Digital City (DC) is a municipal area environment where a number of IST-based applications, focused on the special needs of this area, are installed aiming at:

    i) the improvement of everyday life by simplifying public transactions, reducing telecommunication costs and delivering new services related to the local way of life in several sectors (health, education, business etc),

    ii) the active participation of citizens in the community life and in local government policy-making via the electronic interaction and communication between citizens, elected representatives and Council officers,

    iii) the establishment of Local Government and Public Authorities as guarantors of local society’s effective and democratic operation, and

    iv) the realization of an infrastructure for enabling business and government development in the global economy.

    Visit the website of DIGITAL CITIES →

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