European Projects

Schools Without Borders


    About the Project

    e-Trikala SA participates in the European project Schools Without Borders. The project aims at the confrontation of the problems which exist in schools, because of immigrants and other social excluded groups. European Community existence relies on diversity. At a time that multiculturalism and diversity are something given, cooperation and harmonious coexistence are a necessity for the progress of our society.

    Based on this thought, we will try to pass the message to the participants, that any nation or social group should feel disadvantaged and excluded from the social surrounding.

    Project Aim

    In order for this aim to be achieved, we should raise awareness of the respect of different civilizations, of different cultures and of any kind of particularities. This is the first step all the difficulties to be overcome. The second step is participants to share and to be acquainted with anything different. The third step is to appreciate and to incorporate it in the school community and in the wider community generally. Undoubtedly, the progress of the humanity is the result of our coexistence and contribution.

    Besides, our project will give the participants the chance to enhance their communicative and managerial skills, to share and exchange experience through the interaction with other European citizens and to get involved in the educational process.

    Visit the website of SWB →


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