European Projects




The European Project “ELDER-SPACES” (Managing Older People Social Relationships for better Communication, Activation and Interaction) belongs to the funding projects of AAL category (Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme, AAL-2009-2). The project has officially started since the 1st of April 2011, will last 30 months and in the consortium participate seven partners from four European countries (Greece, Italy, Hungary, Germany). From Greece, besides e-Trikala SA, the other two partners are two well-known companies, BYTE and Singular Logic.

According to the project, there is to be designed an innovative software platform for social networking, which will be based on the already designed software package of social networking “iWiW” (Internet Who Is Who). This package was developed by one of the seven partners of the project and is anticipated to be significantly modified.


The scope of ELDER-SPACES is to dramatically change the way social networking has been used by elder people (usually healthy people aged over 55). Younger people use social networking (e.g. facebook, twitter, myspace) in comparatively quite larger percentage. The project aims to change this correlation, by giving motivation to elderly so as to participate in social events, become more active citizens and improve their quality of life.

Click here to visit the ELDER-SPACES website


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