European Projects


    Our project will develop partnerships between Cities, Training Institutions, ICT, Drone companies and VET providers aiming at promoting and providing initial and/or continuing training to their staff in order to help people gain skills and effectively integrate these career pursuits into their work setting which is in line with the VET priority: Enhancing access to training and qualifications for all. To achieve this objective, a concrete methodology including the following activities will be applied:


    (1) Conduction of a current needs’ analysis in skills mismatches in UAM
    (2) Preparation of a Training Course for “UAM for Cities Certificate”
    (3) Development of a Training programme for ‘’UAM for Cities Certificate”
    (4) Implementation of the curricula to relevant personnel and certification


    Through these activities, it is envisaged that, by the end of the project, people in a minimum of 10 cities will be trained and awarded an “UAM for Cities Certificate” By developing a new learning framework for “UAM experts”, the project´s impact will be achieved through:


    (1) Enhanced employability through skills and competences strengthening and access to training and qualification on equal terms
    (2) The establishment of a coherent methodology with specific tools that will enhance the provision of transport services covering emerging needs
    (3) the establishment of a mechanism that will provide cities with skilled and qualified UAM experts, increasing standardization of services
    (4) the design and delivery of a comprehensive framework for UAM experts to national and EU administrations
    (5) A coherent multi-level dissemination strategy to reach target groups, ensure that project results’ dissemination and sustainable, specific and measurable exploitation specific, while maximizing its reach and impact to relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries.


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