European Projects

TEAM – Tomorrow’s Elastic Adaptive Mobility



    The TEAM project develops new collaborative transport solutions and thus addresses two challenges at the same time: the need to design an infrastructure for increasing traffic and the need to reduce environmental pollution. Therefore TEAM combines driving technologies with sophisticated telecommunication technologies and telematics. For the first time in this field of research, elements such as vehicle electronics and mobile devices, navigation systems, tablet computers and smartphones are integrated to focus on the road users’ behavior.


    Road users will benefit from the new TEAM technologies through real time traffic recommendations balanced with global mobility and environmental aspects. In this way TEAM turns static into elastic mobility by joining drivers, travellers and infrastructure operators into one collaborative network. Collaboration is the key concept, which extends the cooperative concept of vehicle-2-x systems to include interaction and participation.

    Visit TEAM website

    This project is co-funded by the European Commission DG CONNECT in FP7

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