European Projects



    • Ensure that children leaving care have access to adequate trauma-informed aftercare support.
    • Increase the capacity of professionals in child protection systems to support traumatised children.
    • Develop a sustainable mechanism for providing integrated psycho-social support services based on trauma-informed interventions.


    Identification of transferable working methods in integrated trauma-informed child protection systems.
    Development of a training programme for professionals working with traumatised children.
    Pilot testing of the programme, delivery of train the trainer and training seminars.
    Establishment of the CarePath integrated service provision mechanism for cases of traumatised children leaving care.

    Expected results

    Better trauma – informed support of children in preparing to leave care.
    Improved child protection systems in partners’ countries, providing one-stop trauma-informed interventions.
    Better skilled professionals, developing individualised plans guided by trauma healing.

    CarePath Partnership

    The coordinator-UNITO is participating with its Departments of Psychology and Law, both distinguished by their research excellence, international outreach and experience in EU projects.

    Calabria Region is a territorial entity with its own statute, powers and functions according to the principles laid down in the Constitution of the Italian Republic.

    IACP is a non-profit international organization dedicated to research on human behavior, offering professional training courses in the Person Centered Approach and in Client Centered Therapy to several thousand of professionals.

    Eurochild advocates for children’s rights and well-being to be at the heart of policymaking. It is a network of approximately 1.900 organisations working with and for children throughout Europe. Eurochild has a strong track record in advocating at EU and member state level on reducing child poverty and reforming child protection systems away from institutional to community- and family-based care.

    ReadLab is a research institution that aims to generate positive social and sustainable impact through innovation. It brings together a multidisciplinary team of specialized researchers in the fields of Health, engineering, communication technologies, education and social and political sciences with a long experience in project management and implementation of national, EU-funded and international projects.

    Ergo strengthens psychological and social skills of children, adolescents and young adults, while at the same time, offers support and training to parents and professionals working with the above groups.

    Cordelia has been providing complex bio-psycho-social services to asylum-seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, including unaccompanied minors, as well as capacity-building and training to professionals working with children, amongst others on how to identify signs of trauma, and prevent burn-out (vicarious trauma) in caregivers.

    E-Trikala is the development agency of the Municipality of Trikala, Thessaly, Greece. The Municipality of Trikala is the basic stakeholder of e-Trikala, owning 99% while the remaining 1% is owned by the local Chambers of Commerce.

    Besides the international networks that each CarePath partner participates in, the direct involvement of relevant authorities beyond the consortium in project implementation is reflected on the letters supporting the CarePath project in the participating countries by the City of Torino, the Fragile States and Disaster Response Group of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Sicily Psychologists Guild (public authorities-Italy), the World Academy of Arts and Science, the World University Consortium, the Office of Birth and Childhood (Office de la Naissance et de l’Enfance – public authorities – Belgium), the Attica Region (public authority-Greece), and the Károlyi István Children’s Center for Unaccompanied Minors (public authority – Hungary).


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