European Projects




    The aim of the ISISEMD project is to provide a pilot of innovative intelligent set of scalable services that will support the independent living of elderly people in general and in particular the group of elderly with cognitive problems or mild dementia and at the same time to support the formal and informal caregivers in their daily interaction with the elderly.


    The services will improve the elderly ability for self-care by support for their basic daily activities in way that prevents health risks in their homes. The services will also strengthen the daily interaction with their social sphere – partners and relatives, friends and care-givers, giving them the feeling of safety and preventing their social isolation. Last but not least, their cognitive training and activation will be strengthened.

    Visit ISISEMD website

    “The ISISEMD project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme by the European Community” (link to the ICT PSP website:

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