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U-SOLVE project

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e-trikala is pleased to announce our participation in the U-SOLVE project, Urban sustainable development SOlutionsValuing Entrepreneurship, led by the ARCA Consortium. This project aimed to create a model of urban development based on innovative entrepreneurship, addressing sustainable development challenges, boosting urban business ecosystems and creating jobs in emerging social and environmental markets. 

U-SOLVE will promote and support youth and female entrepreneurship in the green and blue economy through innovation in urban contexts.

U-SOLVE shifts the start-up creation process towards an entrepreneurial sustainable development strategy, which bridges active policy for supporting entrepreneurship with the implementation of sustainable development goals at urban level. 

The expected results will be:

  • start-ups and young enterprises addressing sustainable development challenges;
  • a toolbox for the implementation of an effective, SDGs driven open innovation process;
  • Increased entrepreneurial culture among youth and women
  • a Mediterranean network of stakeholders of impact-oriented entrepreneurship;
  • local impact-innovation hubs either created or empowered in cities belonging to the Mediterrean area.

Project website: http://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/u-solve


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