Full title:Urban sustainable development SOLutions Valuing Entreprenership
Thematic objective: A.1 Business and SMEs development
Priority: A.1.1 Start-ups and recently established enterprises
Countries: Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt
Start date 15 October 2020
End date 14 April 2023
Total budget 3.5 million
EU contribution 3.2 million
Project co-financing 10%
To create a model of urban development based on innovative entrepreneurship, addressing sustainable development challenges, boosting urban business ecosystems and creating jobs in emerging social and environmental markets
What will be improved?
U-SOLVE will establish a supporting process devoted to young and women innovative entrepreneurs with both local impact and high growth potential, to boost the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in urban contexts. The impact on income generation for start-ups will be substantial, with a minimum of 20 new business contracts signed. As a consequence, the project is expecting to generate at least 40 new jobs in the supported start-ups. Moreover, the network of urban hubs, to be generated by the project, will represent a powerful tool, at Mediterranean level, where local policy-makers, knowledge providers, development agencies, innovators and impact investors will act as a community for change, producing economic value within a sustainable development framework. Over a mid-long term perspective, the project will contribute to the shift to an integrated, impact-oriented approach to entrepreneurship, where the local and global dimensions of new business are connected to the sustainable development paradigm.
Who will benefit?
420 young and women entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs
30 start-ups operating in urban contexts
Local urban populations
Expected achievements
7 roadmaps and methodologies to enhance create urban ecosystems
120 start-uppers trained to strengthen the scaling-up potential of their business ideas
30 start-up companies addressing environmental issues with innovative ideas that can be turned into new services or products
6 urban hubs set up as incubators for entrepreneurs
7 strategic documents on urban entrepreneurial policy for sustainable development in the Mediterranean area
Contribution to policy-making
The interaction with decision-makers during the entrepreneurship ecosystem analysis and when establishing the project urban hubs will foster sustainable results at social, economic and policy levels. A full set of activities of the project is dedicated to produce policy proposals addressed to promote entrepreneurship as a tool for sustainable development in urban areas, with a direct involvement of public institutions throughout their elaboration. Finally, through a series of transnational workshops between responsible institutions in each participating city, a comparison among the strategies will be made in order to define a common policy at Mediterranean level.